Our products
Kadzidła Black Copal
$11,00 -
Kadzidła Palo Santo
$11,00 -
Asana Cards Kids – język angielski
$38,74 -
Asana Cards Kids – język polski
$38,74 -
Plakat Abundance
$18,00 – $25,74 -
Asana Flow Pants – Onyx
$82,94 -
Asana Flow Pants – Olive
$82,94 -
Asana Flow Pants – Rose
$77,74 -
Asana Flow Pants – Ivory
$82,94 -
Pocztówka A6 Pachamama
$3,12 -
Pocztówka A6 El Desierto
$3,12 -
Pocztówka A6 Breathe in & Breathe out
$3,12 -
Pocztówka A6 Breathe & flow
$3,12 -
Pocztówka A6 Sun Salutations
$3,12 -
Poduszka relaksacyjna na oczy – Baja California
Asana Cards
Asana Cards is an offline product. It is the perfect solution for those who want to disconnect from the world of technology and connect with themselves. Take Asana Cards on a trip and practice yoga in contact with nature or in the comfort of your home, without a tablet or smartphone.
55 yoga
3 breathing
4 themed
yoga sequences
An index card of all categories & yoga poses
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Harmony &
Inner Balance
Mindfulness &
Self Awareness
Body, Mind &