Asana Creatives is a combination of a holistic approach to life and passion for yoga and mindfulness.
Our mission is to inspire others to reconnect with themselves and seek for balance and harmony between the body, mind and soul.
Prints, patterns and colours are inspired by yoga, mother nature and spiritual connection with the universe.
Dorota (@yogawithdotti), Founder of Asana Creatives
For the last 4 years I have lived in Mexico, where I taught yoga and learned about the eclectic culture of the Maya and the beauty of the Yucatan Peninsula. That’s where the idea for Asana Cards and Asana Creatives was born. I wanted the cards to be a tool for deepening independent yoga practice, with an emphasis on disconnecting from the world of technology, in line with the idea of ”disconnect to reconnect”.
Yoga has been with me for many years and has long been more than just an asana practice. I have come a long way to self-acceptance and self-awareness, but most of all I have come home, to the sanctuary, to myself. I have learned to breathe consciously and listen to my body carefully. I started learning self-regulation techniques and adapting asanas to my needs.
I feel great gratitude to be able to share yoga practice with others, not only in the physical sphere, but above all in the spiritual sphere.
I believe that thanks to yoga we can see who we really are. By practicing asanas, we not only release the accumulated tensions that have accumulated in our body, but most of all we achieve peace, harmony and connection of body, soul and mind.
We realize that what is really most important is what is here and now, not what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. We learn to surf life’s waves and accept the ebb and flow that is the essence of our nature. We find the fullness of life.
Donna Farhi
„The art of life”
“Yoga does not make us run away from reality and daily duties. On the contrary – it allows us to put our feet firmly, boldly and decisively on the ground, on the practical ground of experience. We do not run away from life, we return to the life that we had previously abandoned in the illusory hope for something better. „